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Discussing Home Care with An Aging Loved One

Discussing Home Care with An Aging Loved OneTalking about home care with an elderly loved one is not always an easy discussion. Yet, although difficult, it’s better to have this talk sooner rather than later. Broaching the subject earlier allows time for you and your loved one to find a home care provider that is right for both of you!

If you find yourself worried about broaching this subject, you are not alone. Many people express uncertainty in the discussion, especially if they have never mentioned the subject before. If you find yourself unsure of how to proceed, the following can serve as a guideline in discussing home care with an aging loved one.

1. Reserve the Time to Discuss

Although it might be tempting to casually bring up the subject, it’s important to reserve the time necessary for the discussion. This is a major decision, and it cannot be simply mentioned in passing!

2. Emphasize that You Love Them

Let them know that this decision is based on your love for them and your desire to have them cared for. If you are currently their primary caregiver, it’s okay to mention that you are worried that you cannot always be there for them. Emphasize that you want someone with them to assist when you cannot be there.

3. Explain Why You Think Home Care is Right for Them

If you have come to this decision, you need to let your loved one know why you think home care benefits them. This could be for a myriad of reasons; maybe they would prefer more independence than a retirement home, they like the familiarity of their own house, or the they take comfort in continuity of care.

When stating why this benefits them, remember to be specific. Show that you have factored their personal needs and situation into the decision.

3. Listen to Them

This is a difficult discussion, and the real work involves being receptive. Listen to your loved one’s thoughts, listen to their worries, and actively take in what they are trying to convey.

4. Involve Them in the Decision

Remember, although you may be the one arranging the in home health care in Boynton Beach, FL, they will be the ones who undergo it. Thus, it’s imperative that their needs and desires are accounted for. Ask your loved one what their preferences are, and most importantly, make sure to take note of them!

Thanks to Expicare Nursing for their insight into in-home nursing care Boyton Beach, FL and discussing care with your aging loved one.